If you have any questions, feel free to contact the counsellor in the info page, or drop an enquiry in the Enquiry Box! The counsellor will get back to you soon!
Kekuatan nama Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) pada hari ini adalah hasil daripada kepelbagaian di sepanjang sejarah penubuhannya. Selama lebih daripada 20 tahun, IUKL telah menyediakan landasan pendidikan tinggi yang berkualiti dan bermutu, selari dengan perkhidmatan profesional dalam pelbagai bidang infrastruktur.
Sebagai sebuah universiti infrastruktur pertama di Malaysia, yang turut menekankan penyatuan aspek “Hard Infrastructure” dan “Soft Infrastructure”, IUKL berhasrat untuk melahirkan tenaga kerja dan usahawan teknologi yang berkemahiran tinggi dalam aspek komunikasi, teknologi dan pengurusan.
Dengan peningkatan kapasiti kemudahan akademik terkini dan tenaga pengajar yang berkelayakan tinggi serta berpengalaman luas dalam pelbagai industri, IUKL sentiasa berusaha untuk memastikan pendidikan tinggi yang berkualiti diterapkan dalam bidang Kejuruteraan, Perniagaan, Komunikasi, Pengajian Bahasa, Seni Bina, Bioteknologi, Teknologi Maklumat dan sebagainya.
Sebagai anak syarikat Protasco Berhad, sebuah syarikat yang tersenarai di Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia, IUKL sentiasa komited dalam merancang masa hadapan bakal pemimpin hari esok. Usaha IUKL dalam menyalurkan pendidikan tinggi yang berkualiti telah membantu banyak pelajar memperoleh pengetahuan, kemahiran, dan kepakaran yang diperlukan untuk menjadi tenaga mahir yang dihormati dalam pelbagai bidang. Berpandukan kepada moto universiti “ For Knowlegde, For Humanity “, IUKL sedang merpersiapkan generasi berilmu yang berupaya menghadapi cabaran masa hadapan & menggalas tanggungjawab dalam menyumbang kepada masyarakat & negara.

Unipark Suria, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, 43000 Kajang, Selangor
Fithrah Tobakan
Senior Executive
Mon – Fri (9.00am - 5:00pm)
Closed on Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays
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Course Available
Civil Engineering and Construction
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
- Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Diploma in Geomatic Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Bachelor of Electronics Engineering with Honours
- Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Mechanical and Automotive Engineering
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
- Bachelor of Technology (Hons) in Automotive
- Bachelor of Technology (Honours) in Electro-Mechanical
- Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
- Diploma in Automotive Engineering
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Software Engineering
- Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)
- Diploma in Information Technology
- Diploma in Software Engineering
Computer Science
- Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in Network Technology
- Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Plantation Management) (Honours)
- Diploma in Agricultural Science (Plantation Management)
- Diploma in Biotechnology
Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment (FABE)
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
- Bachelor of Science (Architectural Studies)
- Master of Architecture
- Diploma in Architecture
- Diploma in Landscape Architecture
- Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Hons)
- Bachelor of Real Estate Management (Hons)
- Bachelor of Technology (Hons) in Construction Management
- Diploma in Quantity Surveying
Faculty of Business, Information and Human Sciences (FBIHS)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics and Finance
- Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in E-Commerce
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Diploma in Accounting
- Diploma in Business Administration
- Diploma in Sports Management
Information Technology
- Bachelor of Information Systems (Hons)
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) in Multimedia
- Diploma in Visual and Interactive Media
- Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Corporate Communication
- Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Integrated Marketing Communication
- Diploma in Corporate Communication
Arts and Education
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English for Professional Communication
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Diploma in English for Professional Communication
- Foundation in Science
- Foundation in Arts
- Master of Civil Engineering
- Master in Electronics Engineering
- Master of Science in Water Resources
- Master of Science in Built Environment
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Arts in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Master in Communication
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Information Systems
- Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Information Technology
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Communication
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education